153: The number of hours spent taking her photograph.
145: Number of those hours trying to get her to smile for the camera.
918: Number of hours spent on the nipple
5: Number of hours Dad spent on the nipple during the same five-month span one year earlier.
1: The number of times a cat was thrown up on.
130: The number of times one of Zoe’s parents were thrown up on.
1,224: Number of diapers used.
60: The percentage of diapers soiled in the first ten minutes of receiving a fresh diaper.
1: The number of nights Zoe has slept through the night.
1: The number of nights Mom and Dad has slept through the night.
79: The percentage of cloths that are hand-me-downs.
20: The percentage that were received as gifts.
25: The number of times Harry the cat has brought a live creature into Zoe’s room in the middle of the night.
25: The times Dad has had to chase a creature around her room while trying not to wake Zoe.
1: The number of times Mom has stepped on a creature Harry has brought into the house.
18: The number of ounces Zoe drinks from a bottle during an average day while Mom is at work.
0: The number of baby’s cuter than Zoe.
See photos of Zoe at http://picasaweb.google.com/dbglass.
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